Free Peoples Land

Free People’s Land

An organized coalition of agriculture and merchant houses that handle a large portion of trade and banking. The port of Maul is known as the true location of the famous interdimensional "Sleepy Dwarf” tavern. Though all types live in the Freelands, it is the Dainfolk that run the lands. Great merchant vessels and land trade caravans of the free lands act as an intermediary between empires and will often pay good coin for protection from raiders or pirates. Truly a land of the free, with the right amount of coin at least.

Port of Maul

Population 20,000

The crown jewel of the Free People, most import and export in and out of the Free People's Land comes through the Port. The Port of Maal is run by the three major trade houses on the trade council.

West Farthing


The western most city of the Free Peoples, West farthing is a trade town. Treasure and goods from the wastelands can be found in the many shops as well as a lively entertainment community.


Population- 9,000

On the southern edge of the Elven Wilds, Briarton is a trader and craftsman community. Often Elven goods can be found in shops and it is also home to the mage school of Farris Wilden.

West Jule


A small port city whose trade goes up and down the coast and to East Farthing but no international travel.

East Jule


A city that acts as a trade hub before entering the Orc States. A very mixed community of Orcs, Dainfolk and Dragonkin. Piracy is seen as a common negotiation tactic similar to the Orc States.

Saint George Isle

Population: Unknown

Named after St. George the Traveled, this small island is populated by Dragonkin. The population is very tribal and to some is seen as barely more than animals. Technology and magic are shunned for belief and faith in their unique Pantheons. The Natives to St. George, often seen traveling to the volcanic island to the Southwest, many believe this is for religious reasons but no one is for sure. The people of St. George are secretive and untrusting of outsiders but rumors say they travel to the volcanic island to pay tribute to the God Basgach.