Golden Empire of Ardue
Golden Empire Of Adue-
Arcon first wandered Un-Duun as an aimless wanderer seeing all the darkness and corruption and it seemed there was no solution, until he discovered the great golden tree, the symbol of Ardue and heard Ardue's voice. Arcon’s hope was restored, his purpose was revealed, he could hear Ardue’s voice and his path was clear, cure the world of it's evils. Arcon began to spread the word of Ardue and how they could make the world safe again. His words of hope spread fast and in the southern tip of Kad Norgo an empire was born. Spreading north rapidly the influence grew and in time cities fell through conversion of the word or conquest of the sword. When the Six Dark Lords banded together to summon the Dark God Ruin to destroy the Golden Empire, Arcon the first, having been blessed with eternal ageless life from Ardue, sacrificed his eternal lifeforce to banish the dark god and his six dark lords from Un-Duun. When Ardue banished the Dark God the world split, and the enemies of Ardue were devestated by catastrophe in the Great Reckoning. The Orc mountains cracked and their lands were flooded by the sea which poured across the south flooding Kad Norgo and destroying the cities that stood there. The flood waters stopped before they reached the capital of the Golden Empire and formed a protective lake around the Arcane Vale to keep it safe for the rest of time. Today, many generation since Arcon's sacrifice The Golden empire continues his quest to rid the world of evil and darkness with their army of the Iron Hand.
Lords Gate-
Head of City- Baron Markus Von Straigh (halfling)
Defense- 2 Ships of the Line, 3 sponsored Merchant ships, City watch and a small regiment of Iron Hand
Population: 7,000
Lord’s Gate is The Empire’s farthest north city that is still part of the Empire. Once a place of wealth before the followers of Ardue took control, this keep is now in disrepair. Baron Von Straigh has tried to hold it together and maintain its elegant appearance but it is not hard to see through to the disrepair. The nearby town of Sallow itself has become a place for miscreants and mercenaries. Everything in Lord’s Gate is a façade, even Von Straigh’s control. Pomp and circumstance covering corruption and rot. The watch is owned by the guilds and the Iron Hand regiment is reserved to just maintain safety in the main keep. Lord’s Gate is the only city in the Empire that Has a location of the Sleepy Dwarf Tavern and Inn.
Persons of note:
Samual Smithfast (halfling)- Halfling merchant and smuggler, he runs a curiosity shop named Ludwig’s Lost Loot where odds and ends from all over the world are sold and traded.
Lords Dawn-
Head of city- Lord Magus Augustus Revel
Defense- Lords Navy with 14 ships of the line and 20 sponsored merchant vessels. City watch and small standing army of Iron Hand.
Population: 25,000
Lords Dawn is a large merchant town surrounded by large stone walls. Of all the towns in the Empire this has the least presence of The Iron Hand. The town has large amounts of mercenaries that enjoy the coin the “Blessed” supplies to rid the world of corruption. Brother Augustus will pay for heads of the corrupted and many take him up on it as a livelihood. From questing for artifacts, to bringing justice to the corrupt, there is always a coin to be made if you are up for the risks. Lord’s Dawn is the gate to the outside world for The Empire and the most mixed city when it comes to races.
The center of the city is marked by the large tower of the Magus. Under his watchful eye sits the merchant district at the base of his tower where coin flows in and out of the city and Augustus' Magus are always there to take their cut "for the church". Beyond the merchant district the city quickly descends into slums and poverty of the working class living off the scraps of the church and the mercenary class. in the outskirts of the city; weapons, supplies, food, drink, and a bed are the most in demand commodities with some families renting out their only bedrooms to travelers and sleeping in the stables just to get by.
Persons of note:
Grand Merchant Marbus Weave- Merchant's guild leader- Boisterous human who has his fingers in everything, including the purse of the church. Grand Master Weave has been the proprietary supplier of textiles to the church and therefore has become a very wealthy man. Weave has connections across the sea which gives him access to unique items.
Malconce the stone eye- Head of the Hunters Glory- The Hunters Glory is the premiere mercenary guild in The Empire. Only the best of the best are members. Malconce is a red skinned Dark-Touched (Tiefling) who hates himself almost as much as he hates evil. Covered in ritual scars, Malconce is deeply devoted to Ardue even though he knows due to his corrupted nature he will never be accepted.
Kura-Din- Dragonfolk (Dragonborn) with golden scales- Head of the city watch. Kura-din follows in her father's footsteps bringing justice to Lord’s Dawns streets. Kind but stern, if you follow the law, she will be a great ally but if you falter, her justice is strict.
Minglefoot- Halfling leader of the Dawn rats- a thieves guild that lives off the scraps of the merchant quarter and visitors. The Dawn Rats are the information network of the city, unseen and unheard but they are always nearby.
Martyr’s Haven-
Head of city- Father Arcon the Mighty
Defense- Iron Hand
Population: 20,000
Martyr’s Haven is the training ground for the Iron Hand. It is a combination of holy city and military training compound. This is by far the most heavily defended city in all the region. The Iron Hand’s Brothers are trained here and the most elite become part of either the Lightbringers, warriors who lead crusades into Kad Norgo or the Lightbearers, the defense and support arm of the Iron Hand. Father Arcon the Mighty oversees the training with his loyal Golden Hand.
Lord’s Light-
Head of city- Bellywort the Gifted
Defense- 1 Ship of the line, a standing regiment of Light Bearers
Population: 350
Lord’s Light, a great light house used to send signals to the navy and even as far away as Lords gate. Through a series of light signals communication can stretch as far as one can see and sometimes by the grace of Ardue farther.
Golden Keep-
Head of City- Sir Magnus of Orvain
Defense- Iron Hand and the city watch
Population: 20,000
The Golden Keep, the original city of The Empire established after the lord Ardue led the way to Un-Duun. The city was the first to fall to the hand of Ardue and quickly became the center of the faith on Un-Duun. The city has grown into a split of a pilgrimage center and a launch point for quests into Kad Norgo. On rare occasions tourists follow the pilgrimage trails with mercenary guides. These people are tolerated for donations to the temple. The merchants in town deal in items scavenged from Kad Norgo or rare artifacts found around the Great Golden Tree believed to be gifts from Ardue.
Arcane Vale-
Head of city- Exarch Dorros
Defense- Grand Inquisitors, Brothers and some Lightbearers
Population 20,000
Arcane Vale is the great library of The Empire. All the Artifacts, texts and Golden saplings are brought to Arcane Vale for study and worship. Brothers that are not cut out to be Lightbringers or Lightbearers are sent here and initiated into the Golden Word, scholars who study and go on missionary quests.
Persons of note:
Brother Percivous Melstone (human Bard)- Percivous knows where every book in the great library is by heart though he is not always willing to share his knowledge with just anyone. Percivous enjoys the time he spends with books more than he enjoys the people who come to the library to use said books.
Brother Archibald Jolly (Human Cleric)- assistant to Exarch Dorros, Archibald manages the day to day goings on in the library as well as the Exarch’s schedule. Archibald is respectful only when it deems him to be, otherwise he is a grumpy old curmudgeon.
Master Baleful Montegue (Aasimar)- Headmaster of the School of the Golden word, Baleful is a quiet spoken patient man who looks at most things and people with the same curious look. He seems to enjoy learning as much as teaching and if it wasn't for his formidable frame he would be described as meek.
City of Saints-
Head of City- Governor Farris Windswept (elf)
Defense- brothers and the City Watch
Population: 15,000
The City of Saints is more of a civilian city than the rest of the major cities in The Empire. Filled with followers of Ardue and those who just reside in the kingdom. The only thing special about the City of Saints is that anyone who was a member of either the Iron Hand or the Golden Word who falls in battle on a holy path has a statue erected in their honor. The city is riddled with statues of lost heroes, every flat surface is covered.
Persons of note:
Finger (elf), Favor (drow) and Snik (kenku)- are 3 main associates for Governor Windswept. They are feared by most but most are not sure why. All things unexplained in the City of Saints are blamed on “the Three”.
Jannis Noddel- Stoneworkers guild Master Sculptor- A Noddel has had a hand in every statue in the City of Saints. Today the Noddel family is more business leader than sculptors, but the first and last chisel is still done by a member of the Noddel family.
Marris Felltree (human)- civic leader- Miss Felltree, a devout follower of Ardue, has been after Governor Windswept’s job since she came of age. Miss Felltree inherited a mass of wealth and land from her late husband and uses her massive resources to uncover the corruption in the City of Saints.
Lands of Un-Duun
Fae Lands
The Eternal City
Coalition of Orc States & Hoar
Golden Empire of Ardue